Jul 25, 2019
This week Intalksicated Reviews returns to San Diego (in spirit) to the 2019 Comic Con. Corey and Norm watched (almost) all the trailers from this years event. In this episode they watched Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Cats, Top Gun, Star Trek: Picard, It Chapter 2, and The Watchmen and answer questions like Is it hot...
Jul 18, 2019
Intalksicated Reviews this week is a new theme, Free Pour! Corey is joined be Bryant and Mike to polish off a few "Tollers" beer and talk shop about what's going on in entertainment. the three answer questions like Whats Soulja Boy up to? Is Grinch Heart a thing? and how sexy do you find Kathy Bates?
Jul 11, 2019
We're talking basketball, we're talking basketball. This week a new theme Slam Drunk were Bryant and Corey jump into a movie genre that they both love and that is Basketball sports movies. This week they watched a movie based on a Pepsi commercial (no joke), Uncle Drew. The two of them suffer through this movie and...
Jul 4, 2019
T and T is back with Corey and Jen watching some trailers for up coming movie and determining if they are worth to watch in theatres, home, or not at all. This week they watch previews for the up coming movies Charlie's Angels, Knives Out, Jumanji: the next level, Midway, and Jacob's Ladder.