Apr 26, 2018
New Theme! The Movie Group (Corey, Evan, Jen, and Sarah) from The Intalksicated Podcast crossover on Intalksicated Reviews to talk movie trailers. Trailers varies from blockbuster, to hidden gem, to Oscar bait misfire, to WTF! and more. Also we get the opinion of the mysterious Silent R.
Apr 17, 2018
Part 2 of Wine List, our heroes have a civil war over what movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are the best from 18 to 1. Corey, Evan, and Norm argue 10 years of movies and rank them all before Avengers Infinity War, Excelsior!!!
Apr 12, 2018
Wine List is back and our heroes have a civil war over what movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are the best from 18 to 1. Corey, Evan, and Norm argue 10 years of movies and rank them all before Avengers Infinity War, Excelsior!!!
Apr 3, 2018
New episode theme "Bad Rap" where we take a bad movie with a rapper in it! This week its the 2013 Ja Rule Christian movie "I'm in Love with a Church Girl". Bryant and Corey attack questions like? Is Miles Montaga the coolest guy ever? How much did Michael Madsen get paid to be in two scenes? and is Sandals Resorts...