Jun 25, 2020
Intalksicated Reviews this once again returns to the CBS Summer Playhouse for this weeks episode of Mayday. The failed tv pilot this week is a CIA sitcom Mickey and Nora, Corey and Norm spy on this show and answer questions like Is that Blossoms Dad? how many levels of racism does this have? and is this show hornier...
Jun 18, 2020
Intalksicated Reviews this week we decided to head back to San Francisco to bookend last weeks episode of the first Full House to this week review of the last episode of Fuller House on this Netflix and Chilled. Corey and Norm say goodbye to the Tanner family and answer questions like Who was your favourite New kid...
Jun 11, 2020
Welcome back to the Intalksicated Reviews podcast, this week because Fuller House has come to a end (which is not a bad thing) we go back to where it all started, the First episode of Full House. Corey and Norm take a trip to San Francisco and answer questions like Will they cut it out? will they have mercy? and...