Jan 27, 2022
We got quite the movie this week on the Intalksicated Reviews podcast, we dived deep into the bowels of Amazon prime video to find the worst, and on this edition of Amazon Grime we watch the inconceivable film Love on a Leash. Corey and Norm suffer through a ruff movie and answer questions like Is Norm revoking Corey...
Jan 26, 2022
The weekly Intalksicated Reviews warm up is back again. This week on Pre Drink Corey and Norm talk about sports (maybe too much), How great is Peacemaker and the Rightous Gemstones? Should Civil War be a Avengers film? Why did it take so long for Corey to finish Barry? Is Yellowstone cowboy Sons of Anarchy? Plus we...
Jan 20, 2022
Back again to bring you another instalment of Recap and Refills Eh with the second film in the True North Trilogy Yoga Hoser. Intalkicated Reviews dives into the films Kevin Smith with this over the top love letter to Canada and cheesy horror films. Corey and Norm assume the position and answer questions like Has weed...
Jan 19, 2022
Intalksicted Reviews returns with another warm up edition of the podcast with Pre-Drink. Corey got his upgrade with a booster shot that has been kicking his butt a bit, so nothing but Hot toddy for him, but Norm will make up for the beer consumption. Our host talk about Was Squid Game predictable? How raunchy is...
Jan 14, 2022
On Intalksicated Reviews we leave 2021 behind us and reflex on another year of films and our hosts talk about the good, the bad, and everything in between, then they finish with picking their top 5 movies of 2021 on this episode of Wine List. Corey and Norm compare lists and answering questions like Is this the year...