Jun 24, 2021
This week we shine a light on shows coming out of the Great White North, this one being a beloved (By some) teen comedy Student Bodies. Intalksicated Reviews dived into the high paced world of rival high school news paper. Corey and Norm try to make their deadline while answering question like Is there a big...
Jun 17, 2021
Dusting off a old chestnut Intalksicated Reviews is back with a new edition of Free Pour with the return of Bryant Thomson. Free Pour is an open conversation among friend and drinks with our hosts jumping around to a bunch of different subjects. Corey and Bryant catch up while answering questions like How much trash...
Jun 10, 2021
Welcome back for another edition of Mayday, where we watch and talk about an unsold TV pilot. This week we head back to the NBC David E. Kelly Wonder Women Pilot starring Adrianne Palicki, Cary Elwes, and Elizabeth Hurley. Corey And Norm Lasso their way thorough this ep and answer questions like Is that Pedro Pascel?...
Jun 3, 2021
On this weeks Intalksicated Reviews we are going back to the 90's to revisit another series in the Teen NBC line up. TNBC-Section focuses on the high school sitcom City Guys. Corey and Norm cultures clash while answering questions like How many bones does Norm have to pick? This show is really racist, right? and...